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 Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG

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4 participants
Heather Nielsen
Admin | Courgette blonde des steppes
Heather Nielsen

Nombre de messages : 3425
Age : 35
Nationalité : Danoise
Crazy for : How we used to be
AmstelMood : Full of regrets
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2007

Job: Critics for De Telegraph
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MessageSujet: Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG   Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG Icon_minitimeSam 19 Jan - 0:30

Bon, je vous précise qu'elle est en Anglais car je compte la poster sur des LJ bientôt Wink


    Blair Waldorf's mouth was dry when she opened her eyes. She took off the blanket she did not remember having covered herself up with and sat up on the couch she had slept on instead of her bed. Once again, she had fallen asleep in her living room – the TV had been turned on mute all night and the latest French Vogue was flipped open on the floor next to a half empty glass of wine. She switched off the TV and caught a glimpse of her cellphone blinking with a red light. Hardly had she called her voice mail that Serena's warm and shiny voice seemed to fill the room.

    “Hi B, still remember me ? The tall blond-haired girl who laughs like a four-year-old girl ! Well, there's something you gotta remember too, we're supposed to have lunch together today ! I'll see you at the gallery then. Ciao bella !”

    Blair frowned as she felt the start of a headache coming.


    “Good morning Ms. Waldorf !”
    “Good morning Pierre. Any mail for me ?” Blair asked as she stepped out the elevator and marched down the hall.
    “Actually there is a letter from your maman for you !” The butler handed out an envelope, the stamp of which being Chilean. “She seems to really have a good time with Mr. Rose !”
    The brunette tucked the envelope in her handbag and smiled to the butler, “Yes, indeed.”
    “You're not opening it ?”
    She kept silent as Pierre was smirking back at her, and right before she headed to the door, she said “Could you send a cleaning woman to my loft ?” He nodded. “Good.”
    Pierre could not help thinking Ms. Waldorf had been acting strange for a few weeks.


    “So, what's up ?”
    “Nothing, really,” Blair paid for her hot dog and they started walking down the avenue. Serena's insistent gaze on her made her feel uneasy so she gave her a little smirk, “I'm fine, let's just... talk about you. How's business doing ?”
    Serena shrugged her shoulders because she knew Blair would not talk at all, and answered her question. “Bad actually. It's been six month since I've taken on the gallery and I feel like nothing has changed.”
    “Well, it's Brooklyn,” Blair said with a little ironic smile before she bit into her hot dog, “Oh damn it, it's much better than sushis.”
    “I'd rather say the art suck,” Serena sighed.
    “And what about Vanessa ? I saw a few pictures of her and I think it's pretty good. Besides, you've thought about her, haven't you ?”
    “Yes, but no, I mean, I feel pretty bad about her, with Dan and everything...”
    “Come on !” Blair said, “It was two years ago, can't you just let it go ? It was not your fault !”
    “I know but -”
    “You're still in love with him, eh ?” Blair stopped and put her hand on Serena's arm, “I know you S, I know you don't want to admit it, but you're still in love with Dan Humphrey and as long as you keep silent about it, you won't be able to move on !”
    Serena raised an eyebrow, “And that's Ms. Blair Waldorf who's saying that to me ?” Seeing that Blair was not reacting, she started walking again. “Well, aren't we all ?”
    “Aren't we all what ?” Blair asked.
    “In love with your first love.” Serena had said that like it was obviousness. She'd often use this tone, some things were obvious to Serena Van Der Woodsen that were not other people's minds, like Blair's. But this thing, she totally agreed with.
    “I guess...” Blair threw the piece of newspaper that had been given to her with her lunch and rubbed her hands together. “I'm in the mood for a hot coffee !” she cried out suddenly after keeping silent for a few seconds.
    “Take a takeaway then or I'll be late” Serena warned.
    “Ain't Jenny replacing you right now ?”
    “Yes she is, but I can't let her alone too long.”
    “Oh that's so nice of you,” Blair said in her so unique ironical tone, “You're the boss, you're supposed to be treating her like Miranda Priestly's bullying Andy in 'The Devil Wears Prada' !”
    Serena laughed and threw her arm around Blair's shoulder. They've been best friends like, forever, but she had to admit their friendship has grown dearer and dearer to her since she realized that Blair was the only steady thing she had in her rocky life. College had parted their high school team – Blair went to Yale, Dan to Dartmouth, Nate to UCLA and she had gone to Brown. Well, she had tried Brown, she dropped off of it after two years. Studies were not her cup of tea, and so she had modelled for several months before Rufus Humphrey asked her to take on the gallery. At first she had thought it was a joke, but he had explained that as he had resumed songwriting, he was not able to run the gallery anymore. And in the end, running a gallery was kind of fun, she even enjoyed it pretty much. The only condition was that she had to keep Jenny as an employee which would not have bothered her this much had not she been Nate's current girlfriend and Dan's sister. That said, she enjoyed her company.

    “Don't you wanna come in for a second ?” Serena asked Blair who had frozen in front of the gallery door.
    “Why ?” she asked back rudely.
    “Why not ?”
    Blair sighed and followed Serena inside.
    “I can understand why you're not selling anything. It's so sad in here !” Blair looked around her and her eyes ended on Jenny. Her lips parted in surprise before curling into her so also famous fake smile. “Hi Jenny.”
    “Hi Blair.” Little Humphrey looked as surprised as Blair just did while Blair and Serena went to the latter's private office.
    “That was awkward.” Blair stated as she fell down on a chair.
    “Well I can understand why,” Serena said with a laugh. Blair's cold look made her fall silent.
    “I can't understand why he's dating her !” Blair sighed before she let her head fall down on her crossed arms. Serena sat on the desk on which Blair's head was resting and put a comforting hand on her best friend's shoulder.
    “They've been to UCLA together, things have changed, and she's a sweet girl...”
    “Shut up.” Blair said, her face still hidden.
    “And why don't you go and talk to him ?” Serena suggested, a little bit annoyed by Blair's behaviour.
    “Because I've moved on !” Blair sat up and flashed her a wary look.
    “Okay, I take back what I just said.”
    “Thank you Serena.”
    “But I'm just saying that it's been four years and -”
    “Thank you Serena !” Blair said in a louder voice.
    “Okay, okay, I won't say anything more.”
    The two fell silent for a moment.
    “Dan called me last night,” Serena finally said, waking up Blair's attention, “He was drunk.”
    Blair stood up and gave Serena a hug. “Did he ask for money again ?”
    Serena nodded. “I don't know what's wrong with him...”
    “He's lost you...” Blair said, stroking Serena's arm.
    “But that does not explain why he's become an alcoholic !”
    “Trust me, S, that's an explanation...” Blair suddenly stood up and grabbed her handbag. “Anyway, I've gotta find a job ! I'm back in New York for two weeks and I'm still unemployed, and my mother's gonna hate me if I don't get to find a job !” She kissed Serena on the cheek and left her office before Serena could say something. Serena sighed. She knew something was wrong with Blair. She wondered too how Jenny had managed not to talk to her brother for two years now. She wished she could have written him off her life the same way.
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Heather Nielsen
Admin | Courgette blonde des steppes
Heather Nielsen

Nombre de messages : 3425
Age : 35
Nationalité : Danoise
Crazy for : How we used to be
AmstelMood : Full of regrets
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2007

Job: Critics for De Telegraph
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Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG   Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG Icon_minitimeSam 19 Jan - 14:40

Je préviens les gens qui n'étaient pas dans le flood hier soir que j'ai posté la fanfic ici sur demande Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 861285
Vous pouvez bien entendu la commenter dans ce topic Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 234419
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Zachary Marshall
Admin | Follow the Love ?
Zachary Marshall

Nombre de messages : 577
Age : 32
Nationalité : Anglo-Américain
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2007

Job: Goldeb Boy
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MessageSujet: Re: Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG   Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG Icon_minitimeSam 19 Jan - 14:42

Mais non, tu veux juste te la péter tongue Et t'as le droit on t'as dit Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 234419 Arrow

Ah j'étais pas sûre de pouvoir commenter ici Embarassed tongue
Elle est géniale. Ca claque tout. I love you -de ce que j'ai compris, vu mon incroyable niveau en Anglais Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 135154- Non mais le contexte là, les petites histoires qui s'introduisent I love you
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Heather Nielsen
Admin | Courgette blonde des steppes
Heather Nielsen

Nombre de messages : 3425
Age : 35
Nationalité : Danoise
Crazy for : How we used to be
AmstelMood : Full of regrets
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2007

Job: Critics for De Telegraph
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MessageSujet: Re: Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG   Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG Icon_minitimeSam 19 Jan - 14:47

Nan si ça ne tenait qu'à moi je serai allée la poster dans la partie Galerie, parce que je trouvais qu'elle avait plus sa place là-bas Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 379953
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Zachary Marshall
Admin | Follow the Love ?
Zachary Marshall

Nombre de messages : 577
Age : 32
Nationalité : Anglo-Américain
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2007

Job: Goldeb Boy
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MessageSujet: Re: Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG   Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG Icon_minitimeSam 19 Jan - 15:02

Bah tu peux déplacer Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 968523 Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 861285
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Heather Nielsen
Admin | Courgette blonde des steppes
Heather Nielsen

Nombre de messages : 3425
Age : 35
Nationalité : Danoise
Crazy for : How we used to be
AmstelMood : Full of regrets
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2007

Job: Critics for De Telegraph
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MessageSujet: Re: Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG   Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG Icon_minitimeSam 19 Jan - 15:03

T'es relou là Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 861285
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Alexander Malesbury
• What About Now ?
Alexander Malesbury

Nombre de messages : 238
Age : 33
Nationalité : Franco-Anglais
Crazy for : Starbucks Coffee
AmstelMood : In love & Busy
Date d'inscription : 25/11/2007

Job: Sous Directeur de la Malesbury Corps.
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Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG   Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG Icon_minitimeSam 19 Jan - 15:25

J'aime bien, ça change des fanfics' qui ont lieu exactement à la même période que la série!

Dan drunk ? Nate/Jenny ? Serena et la gallery ? Fallait y penser, mais c'est vraiment super bien écrit!

Je 'luv I love you
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Heather Nielsen
Admin | Courgette blonde des steppes
Heather Nielsen

Nombre de messages : 3425
Age : 35
Nationalité : Danoise
Crazy for : How we used to be
AmstelMood : Full of regrets
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2007

Job: Critics for De Telegraph
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MessageSujet: Re: Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG   Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG Icon_minitimeSam 19 Jan - 15:26

Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 461810 Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 461810 Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 461810

Tu parles à la créatrice d'Amsterdam là Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 461810 Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 461810 Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 461810

Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 234419 Arrow
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Jaden Carter
Admin • Caramelo calamity
Jaden Carter

Nombre de messages : 539
Age : 37
Nationalité : Néerlandaise
Crazy for : Caramel Macchiato
AmstelMood : So exited
Date d'inscription : 17/11/2007

Job: Assistante en cosmétique
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Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG   Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG Icon_minitimeSam 19 Jan - 16:30

Dan soûl c'est LE truc méga sexy Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 461810
Jenny toujours pas morte? Tu me déçois là Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 861285

En tout cas c'est un bon début, j'ai hâte de lire la suite ! tongue Et je l'aurais plus vu dans la gallerie moi aussi Razz
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Heather Nielsen
Admin | Courgette blonde des steppes
Heather Nielsen

Nombre de messages : 3425
Age : 35
Nationalité : Danoise
Crazy for : How we used to be
AmstelMood : Full of regrets
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2007

Job: Critics for De Telegraph
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MessageSujet: Re: Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG   Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG Icon_minitimeSam 19 Jan - 16:38

Pour Jenny j'hésite entre la mort par bus ou accident d'ascenseur *BAF* Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 861285
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Jaden Carter
Admin • Caramelo calamity
Jaden Carter

Nombre de messages : 539
Age : 37
Nationalité : Néerlandaise
Crazy for : Caramel Macchiato
AmstelMood : So exited
Date d'inscription : 17/11/2007

Job: Assistante en cosmétique
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MessageSujet: Re: Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG   Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG Icon_minitimeSam 19 Jan - 16:43

Dans l'ascenseur, si les portes restent coincées elle peut pourir et ça sera crade et ça sentira super mauvais... Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 247402
Si le bus explose au moins c'est rapide et bon pour l'environnement Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 93699
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Heather Nielsen
Admin | Courgette blonde des steppes
Heather Nielsen

Nombre de messages : 3425
Age : 35
Nationalité : Danoise
Crazy for : How we used to be
AmstelMood : Full of regrets
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2007

Job: Critics for De Telegraph
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MessageSujet: Re: Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG   Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG Icon_minitimeSam 19 Jan - 16:53

Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 234419 ou alors elle meurt parce qu'elle serait accidentellement tombée du pont de Brooklyn Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 379953
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Heather Nielsen
Admin | Courgette blonde des steppes
Heather Nielsen

Nombre de messages : 3425
Age : 35
Nationalité : Danoise
Crazy for : How we used to be
AmstelMood : Full of regrets
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2007

Job: Critics for De Telegraph
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Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG   Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG Icon_minitimeSam 9 Fév - 18:48

Voilà la suite que je viens seulement de rédiger Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 135154 Tention, elle est principalement destinée aux fans de Blair et Nate Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG 861285


“You're unbelievable !” Nathaniel Archibald stood up while laughing and then headed to the door of his large, bright and luxurious flat he's recently bought. “Is it so difficult for you not forget your keys when you're out ?”
But his smile faded when he opened the door.
“Blair.” he said, with an exceptional neutral tone that did not match at all with the air of surprise on his face.
“Hi Nate.” she answered, with a shy smile on her lovely face.
Nate felt like his heart fell down in through his chest. She seemed pretty uncomfortable, fact that was really rare but which he had been lucky enough to witness several times.
“I didn't expect you,” he suddenly realized he had kept the door half open so she could only see the right part of his face, “Come in,” he tried to look happy but he could not – he only succeeded in looking cold and distant. He knew Blair felt it. She brushed by him as she walked inside with her head down. His heart skipped a beat. How long has it been since he last saw her ? Two years ? Two and a half ? Maybe three.
“Three years, heh ?” she gently said, turning back to face him because he was still standing near the door open.
“Yeah.” Three years, two months and twenty eight days. Seven months and fifteen days before he started dating Jenny. But this was pure hazard if he remembered those dates. He was bad at remembering birthdays and anniversary. The only event he never missed was Blair's birthday. And Jenny's. Because she would never let him forget it. She acted like she did not care about these celebrating trivialities. But he could say when something was coming, she was always acting weird around special dates, he could not avoid them. As if she was always pulling him down to their down-to-earth reality – as if she knew these dates were strings wound round his fists.
Nate closed the door and slowly made his way through the hall to the living room, as if he was afraid of what could happen if he got too close to Blair. She was still standing in the middle of the large room, a shy smile on her face, her wavy brown hair surrounding her sweet face. Oh, how angelic she could be, oh how well he knew that. Years had passed by though the memory of her sweet voice was clear in his head. Years had passed by though the pain of their breaking up was vivid in his chest. Three years, two months and twenty eight days were not enough to forget her.
“Have a seat,” he said with difficulties, sitting down on the edge of the couch. His eyes scanned the room for exits. It was his own flat and now he felt like she had invaded his vital space.
“So, how is it going ?” she asked with her so perfect I'm-very-interested-in-what-your-answer-is-gonna-be-because-I-care tone. Blair had always been perfect at pretending. He was not.
“Oh, very well, it's going very well !” he answered and she could not miss he was nervous.
“With the firm and -”
“With the firm, yes, and with -”
“And with Jenny ?” she completed with a smile that he could not but hate.
Jenny. One sight of Blair and he had almost forgotten her being. Her habit of never taking her keys when she was going out. How fiercely she refused to ever get a maid and a cook. How quiet she made him feel when she curled up onto his body.
“And with Jenny.” Nate smiled. She stopped smiling.
“She's good for you.”
And suddenly Nate felt some anger boiling in his stomach. “Why do you say that ?” he asked rudely. She first was surprised of his changing of attitudes, but she replied calmly.
“She's sweet, and nice, and caring, and smart... She's perfect for you.” Her last sentence she said with little irony.
“What's that you're all having with perfection ?” he burst out, standing up at the same time.
She slowly levelled up her look on him. “What's that problem you're having with perfection ?” she asked back, a bit amused by his immediate and automatic denial of this word : perfection.
“I don't have a problem with perfection.” he retorted.
“Yes you do. That's why you broke up.”
Nate stood silent. He was turning his back at her but she could feel – she would always feel people – he was frowning. Indeed he was frowning, his head bended forward. After a few seconds during which both of them stayed silent, he turned his face so that she could hear him, but he could not see her though.
“Excuse me but... Why are you here ?” he asked abruptly. He could not help feeling resentful “You've disappeared for years, I haven't even seen you during the holidays, it's like you've vanished from our world and now you back, sitting in my living room, talking about why I broke up with you, I'm sorry but I can't handle it.” Eventually, he turned toward her and his deep blue eyes faced her simply brown ones. She was sitting straight, her chin levelled up to see him, and also because she had been raised as a queen. Her delicate hands were resting on her bare knees because she was wearing one of these skirts of her that suited her perfectly. She was perfection. He never had a problem with her perfection. She stood up too and and took a step closer to him.
“Just wanted to check upon you, that's all.”
“Why ?” Blair could feel bitterness in his voice. “Because you thought I would not be happy with Jenny ? Because you thought you could step back into my life as if nothing happened between the day you left and today ?” He knew he should not have spoken. He knew justifying himself would bring him to an evidence he had refused to see the past three years. He knew it was admitting she was right but he held onto his reasons because they were so true, and so right, and so logical he could not change his mind on this. He did not seem to notice it, but he took a step toward Blair. She had seen it.
“I'm leaving.” She did not want to sound like a disturbance into his life. Not anymore. She had not come to have a fight with him. She had come to see him. His life. If there was still a little space for her so that she could tuck herself in it and never move again. She started walking but his blunt words made her stop.
“As always.” She kept quiet. She had no response to give. She had almost fled to France six years ago when her sleeping with both Chuck and Nate became public had not Serena been there to shake her up. She had not been there when Nate broke up with her. So she fled. To Yale first, then to France for one year. Blair has never been strong. People thought she was, but in fact, when she could not save her image, she only had two modus operandi. Destroying someone else so he would not be able to rise up again. Or running away. She could not ruin Nate's life, so she had run away. “You're always leaving when things don't get the way you want them to.”
“You broke up with me. That's what happened.” She had pulled on her bitchy mask she had not been wearing for a long time now. It did not suit her anymore. “What else could I do ?”
Well. She was right. It had actually been a good thing she left. He had had the ability of building his life his own way. He had made choices without wondering whether Blair would like it, without wondering if the place she occupied in his life would be preserved. His life had always been built around two pillars that seemed eternal : his father and Blair. Both of them collapsed and he had had to build up again his life. And he had managed it. Really.
“Do you remember how were together ?” she asked, out of the blue, a half melancholic smile on her face. She had stopped her walking right next to him. He could see the top of her head slightly leaning forward.
“We were perfect.” His voice softened but the word 'perfect' sounded like a reproach.
Blair reached the door. He watched her walking out of his flat the way she was always walking out of his embrace. As if she could not ever be possessed by someone. He had thought he could be that someone.
“I came by because I can care too. And because I had to tell you this one thing -” Her hand rested on the handle. She turned it and opened the door. “I had a abortion.” His lips slightly parted as if he was about to say something but he stayed silent. He wondered why she would say that to him. “Six years ago.” She stepped outside the flat, into the corridor and turned to catch a last glimpse of him. “It was yours.” And then she closed the door before she could see his reaction. But he did not react.
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Jaden Carter
Admin • Caramelo calamity
Jaden Carter

Nombre de messages : 539
Age : 37
Nationalité : Néerlandaise
Crazy for : Caramel Macchiato
AmstelMood : So exited
Date d'inscription : 17/11/2007

Job: Assistante en cosmétique
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MessageSujet: Re: Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG   Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG Icon_minitimeSam 9 Fév - 21:15

Je persiste et signe, j'aime ! I love you
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Alexander Malesbury
• What About Now ?
Alexander Malesbury

Nombre de messages : 238
Age : 33
Nationalité : Franco-Anglais
Crazy for : Starbucks Coffee
AmstelMood : In love & Busy
Date d'inscription : 25/11/2007

Job: Sous Directeur de la Malesbury Corps.
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MessageSujet: Re: Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG   Comfortable • A Birdie Fanfiction on GG Icon_minitimeSam 9 Fév - 21:44

Blair/ Nate is I love you
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